Ellisys USB Explorer 350 - Screenshots
Synopsys Demonstrates Industry's First SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps Platform-to-Platform
Host-Device IP Data Transfer
Ellisys USB 3.1 analysis software
The following screenshot shows the Ellisys USB 3.1 analysis
software with Mass Storage traffic and a SCSI Read transfer expanded. You can
note the new "Link Credit 2" introduced in USB 3.1, as well as throughput
of 1.02 GByte/s enabled by the enhanced SuperSpeed at 10 Gbps.

Click the image to expand it
This screenshot shows the Ellisys Instant Timing view, zoomed-in
in order to distinguis clearly packets and link commands. This view is very
useful for visualizing protocol sequences, as well as measuring timings with
an unequalled precision.

Click the image to expand it
The Ellisys software can be configured in various modes for
tasks. The following screenshot shows a perfect configuration for debugging
LTSSM progression, with the Instant Link State showing the valid and invalid
transition, and the overview and Instant Timing showing the LTSSM states changes

Click the image to expand it
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